orange oak kitchen

How to modernize your orange oak kitchen with modern decor

Modernizing your orange oak kitchen with modern decor can be a great way to add a fresh and contemporary look to your space. With a few simple updates, you can transform your kitchen from dated and tired to vibrant and stylish. Whether you are looking to make a big change or just want to update your existing design, here are some tips on how to modernize your orange oak kitchen with modern decor. 

1. Paint the fronts of your kitchen furniture

This will not only refresh the doors, hiding the traces of time, but also change the color to a more current / light / cheerful.

To paint old MDF film fronts, it is recommended that you first remove the film. To do this, it will be necessary to heat it up well. Then the MDF needs to be sanded down, wiped with a dry cloth and degreased with a special agent. The next step is priming. Acrylic primer for wood and MDF is suitable. Priming is necessary several times (letting the previous layer dry), until the MDF surface is absolutely smooth to the touch. The primer can be lightly sanded before painting. Acrylic paints, also recommended for wood, are suitable for painting.

Facades with plastic coating are painted the same way, but the plastic (laminate) do not need to remove. It is washed, well sanded, washed and degreased again. Then comes a primer with a high level of adhesion, designed for problematic surfaces (such as glass and plastic). Among paints, it is better to choose one that is recommended specifically for furniture.

Veneered doors should be washed with a degreaser and wiped dry, then sanded. Priming is generally not necessary. Acrylic wood and metal paint is good for staining.

2. Remove the fronts from the upper cabinets, leaving them open.

If the doors are quite bad, but the frames are still good – from the cabinets you can leave only the “boxes”. This is a very current option – even new kitchens are sometimes ordered in such a design.

The inner surfaces of the cabinets can also be painted or wallpapered.

3. Removing the fronts of the lower cabinets, closing them with curtains

The use of “skirts” instead of doors is typical not only for country and rustic, but also for modern design (including loft).

4. Replace part or all of the upper cabinets with open shelves

Another common solution, even for new interiors. Such storage spaces will cost mere pennies, while the work area will become lighter and visually lighter. By the way, the shelves can be constructed from elements of old furniture.

5. Decorate the fronts

The doors of the set can be subjected not only to painting, but also other finishes. For example, cover them with thick vinyl wallpaper. This method is suitable only for those cabinets that are remote from the sink and stove. Also facades can be covered with PVC-foil or cloth (the fabric top covered with varnish), tiled with mosaics, cover with planks, etc.

6. Change handles

Fittings seem to be a trifle, but very important. New topical handles will give the old headset a much more modern look.

orange oak kitchen

7. Tile or mosaic the old countertop

It’s common to replace a countertop with a new one, even with a budget kitchen renovation. After all, the cost of laminated chipboard countertops is not at all low. But if you do not want to remove and remove the old surface, and then bring in and install a new one, there is a way out. You can tile or mosaic the lost look countertop. Yes, it’s not exactly cheap, but it’s pretty fast. And you can buy the easiest tile to solve this problem, on the stock (leftovers).

If the remnants are different – no big deal. Combined cladding is quite acceptable.

8. Paint the tiles

Tiles on the walls and on the floor can be covered with paint – this will refresh the surface and change the color. We wrote about this in detail in the article “How to paint tiles”.

9. Cover the apron with a new material

If the wall in the working area has more than deplorable appearance, you can hide it behind laminated chipboard, MDF panels, plywood sheets, mirrors, linings, etc. In this case, the old finish of the apron does not have to be removed.

10. Wallpaper the wall in the work area and cover it with glass.

Tempered glass, if it is not decorated with a photo print, is not too expensive. This method of mounting the apron is easy, clean and fast. However, the old trim, if any, will most likely have to be removed.

11. Tile the floor with PVC tiles.

There are vinyl coverings in the form of tiles, the size of which corresponds to the dimensions of the floor tiles. However, there are also variations under the parquet. They can be glued directly on the tiles or planks. This will quickly and very inexpensively update and transform the floor. Of course, such finishing will not last too long, but as a temporary option will justify itself.

12. Lay a large rug.

Carpeting in the kitchen is not so bad. It’s warm and cozy with them. And the order is not difficult to maintain, if you have a vacuum cleaner in the house. It is better, of course, to take a dark carpet, so that stains (and they will appear sooner or later) will not be so noticeable.

Hygienic are woven mats – they can be cleaned with a rag and mop just like a regular floor.

13. Decorate the wall near the dining table

Stylish and comfortable dining area can become the main decoration of the kitchen interior. It will draw attention to itself, making the flaws of the old kitchen much less noticeable. Fortunately, to transform the dining area is much easier than the working area.

Particular attention should be paid to the wall, near which the table is located. If the finishing in the kitchen is very old and there is no way to change it, then you should refresh at least this wall. It is not necessary to remove the old coatings and thoroughly prepare the surface. Even over old wallpaper, tiles or paint you can install, for example, clapboard, panels, laminate, mirror or glass panels, etc.

14. Change the dining chairs.

This will instantly change the look of the kitchen (for the better, of course). Especially if the choice falls not on the classic elegant models, but on something modern and/or bright.

15. Introduce bright accents.

Colored elements will make even the moodiest kitchen more lively, modern and cheerful. However, it is important to avoid chaos and excessive mottling. Accents should be one or two colors. The number of bright details should also be limited. Everything is good in moderation.

16. Decorate the interior

Decorative little things turn the kitchen into a nice cozy nest. Minimalism is good in an expensive interpretation, and the old interior should be decorated properly – new elements of decoration will draw much of the attention from the old surfaces and worn items.

Wall decorations, hiding old decorations (paintings, posters, mirrors), baskets and boxes for storage, live plants (visually freshening up the interior) will be appropriate. However, do not overdo it; do not let the decor clutter up your kitchen.

kitchen decor

What is a popular kitchen decor in 2023

Popular trends in kitchen decor today are quite a lot. This is a Scandinavian style, and neoclassical, it is certainly and loft. However, all of them are developing, borrowing from each other different solutions. For example, one of the trendy styles in 2022 – japandi combines Scandinavian and Japanese styles. This style is characterized by coziness, warmth and tranquility.

All modern interior styles today are mixed and are equally distinguished by one interesting feature – brevity. Both classic interiors and industrial interiors are becoming minimalistic, neat, restrained and cozy. So what will be in trend in 2023 and what style to choose to design the kitchen will be relevant for many years?

Warm minimalism – the trendy interior style of 2023!

This year we have already talked about the main demanded trend in residential interiors today and it is warm minimalism – it combines the aesthetics of minimalism and a sense of homeliness by using various features of other styles. This style is perfectly balanced and versatile thanks to its color scheme – pastel and neutral shades with natural materials such as stone or wood.

Next year this trend will be even more in demand due to its versatile form, but at the same time transformed by more juicy accent solutions. This is especially true for kitchen furniture, because fashion does not stand still, there are new color solutions from manufacturers of paints, new textile design, different decors in the facade materials and finishing materials. We present you kitchen interiors in the most popular styles with trendy colors that are laconic and cozy.

Kitchen with the natural character and charm of Provence in sage color

Sage is a natural and natural shade of green, which in turn gives the room a freshness, perfectly combined with classic black or white, as well as with wood and natural stone. This color and its shades are ideal for the soulful atmosphere of a rustic home, calm, peaceful and at one with nature.

Corsica milled fronts

Facades with milled “Corsica” is a universal and one of the most balanced types of facades. The design has a classic millwork on one side, but the beveled smooth transition makes the kitchen minimalist, without obvious cognate signs of a particular style. These fronts would be suitable for classic, neoclassical, Scandinavian and of course Provence style kitchens.

Kitchen with the atmosphere of coziness and Scandinavian character in the color “Indigo”

Indigo is the dark blue color of harmony and serenity on the one hand, and comfort on the other. Kitchen in this color will look solid, especially when combined with wood decors. Beige fronts with a mauve hue are perfect for accents, and at different times of day they take on a common color. For example, during the day they are almost white, and in the evening with additional artificial light they take on a shade of ‘Coffee with milk’.

Milled fronts ‘Viking’

This type of facade milling is the most minimalistic and versatile. The design is minimalistic without being massive and rigid. Will suit almost any style of interior, including even such a modern trend as minimalism with straight monochrome fronts.

Kitchen in the luxurious style of restrained “Classics” in mauve

A light shade of purple is a pastel and light, mysterious and very delicate color for the interior, especially in a shade that only partially resembles purple. Its hue, which borders on beige, makes it versatile and neutral. It integrates perfectly with any lighting scenario, both in natural and artificial light.

Hanover milled fronts

The design of fronts with milled “Hanover” is a restrained, austere and yet expressive design for the kitchen, which is ideal if you prefer a classic, neoclassical, Scandinavian style, but in a concise form. Despite the emergence of modern and fashionable trends, classic kitchens remain popular and in demand. Versatile and impeccably stylish – the unshakable basis of the interior in the original classic style.

Kitchen with industrial austerity and warmth of loft style in “Taupe” color

“Taupe” is one of the most versatile and sought-after pastel shades of brown. It is soothing and relaxing depending on the surroundings. Combined with dark brown fronts and black countertops, it adds softness, warmth, and comfort to an austere kitchen, as if smoothing out the sharp corners and straight lines of industrial space.

Milled facades “Line”

The “Line” line of facades is a fluted milled design in modern and classic formats. In this version, we have chosen the milling with smooth lines and shallow grooves to make the industrial atmosphere with strict lines softer at the expense of smooth shapes.

An understated neoclassical kitchen with a bright accent in the color “Terracotta”

Terracotta is a defiant, extravagant and energetic red in a soft floral hue. Neoclassical interior, combines tradition and innovation, retains all its charm over time, resisting a radical change in trends. Therefore, the restraint of light milled fronts is balanced by a bright accent. This color is pleasant to perceive in everyday use.

The milled fronts of Delia

Delia is a milled fronts with a pronounced neoclassical character. The pattern of the milling combines both strict lines and graceful smooth transitions, complementing each other, and thus combining the expressive classical lines and the restraint of modern minimalist style.

kitchen wall decor

How to build kitchen wall decor

The kitchen wall is an area of the apartment with its own specific characteristics. It is constantly subject to temperature fluctuations, changing levels of humidity and concentrations of all kinds of dirt.

The specifics of the room require a responsible approach to the choice of finishing materials. Which of them are best suited for use in the kitchen – we will understand in this article.

Criteria for choosing a material for finishing

In order not to scrape off the remains of worn material from the walls of the kitchen after a short period of use, you should familiarize yourself with the criteria that determine its competent choice:

  • Resistance to sudden changes in temperature.
  • Moisture resistance. Exposure to water should not spoil the appearance and shorten the service life.
  • Resistance to mechanical damage and exposure to aggressive environments. When this criterion is not taken into account, the material becomes worthless after several cleanings with caustic cleaning agents.
  • Antibacterial properties. If fungus settles on the surface of the material, it will look very unaesthetic, and, in addition, pose a threat to human health.

Below we will talk about the advantages and disadvantages of the materials most commonly used for kitchen walls.

Decorative plaster

A method of finishing walls, very much loved by designers because of the ease of application and the ability to create a variety of unique textures.

Decorative plaster spreads evenly on the wall, quickly and without gaps.

This material withstands high temperatures, no fungus colonies form on it, it owes it to the mineral impurities in its composition.

Decorative plaster is durable and can be cleaned both dry and wet.

The main disadvantage of this finishing material is the high cost.

Ceramic tile

The use of ceramic tiles in the kitchen is comparable in scale only to its use in the bathroom area.

Tile is in such demand because of its long service life and variety of designs, of which patterned aprons are most often formed.

The advantage of ceramic tile, which is rarely written about – fire safety: open fire will never react with this material.

Tiles come in both very expensive and very budget-friendly, so you can find an option for any purse.

Care for it, too, does not give any special difficulties.


Buying an ordinary paper wallpaper in the kitchen will not recommend any person versed in finishing works. They will immediately fall into disrepair and lose their appearance.

The ideal option in the case of the kitchen – vinyl or vinyl-vinyl wallpaper.

There are a lot of advantages of these materials:

  • They are not afraid of bright light, direct sunlight, do not burn out.
  • Resistant to moisture and amenable to wet cleaning.
  • They can be painted over and over again, which contributes to a simple and uncomplicated renovation of the interior.
  • A huge number of designs, drawings, prints, etc.

Now about the disadvantages of such wallpaper:

  • On fleece wallpaper are clearly visible scratches.
  • Vinyl wallpaper requires a lot of glue, and the very process of pasting them is very laborious and time-consuming.
  • If there is relief, both types of wallpaper will cling to all the kitchen dirt.

Decorative brick

This material is made from plaster or stone.

The most organic brickwork will look in a loft kitchen. It is important to remember: if the room is small, you should not decorate its entire perimeter with bricks, it is enough to accentuate one wall.

Modern production technology protects decorative bricks from various kinds of damage thanks to a special layer that prevents the material from falling apart.

You can decorate the walls without inviting specialists, just watch video tutorials on the Internet.

The disadvantages of brickwork are not very many, but they are there.

The material made of natural stone will cost a pretty penny.

And you will also need to regularly clean the wall, because dirt will linger on the embossed surface.

kitchen lighting

How to design kitchen lighting

If you carefully calculate where you spend most of your active time at home, you will find that the kitchen comes in first place by a wide margin. Cooking, dishwashing, breakfast, lunch, dinner – all this is half, if not more, of our home time. That’s why the electrical stuffing of the kitchen, including the design of kitchen lighting, needs to be approached with particular care.

Zoning lighting in the kitchen

What’s there to light, you might say. Big deal, six or eight squares: a lamp or a chandelier in the center – and that’s it. But as it turns out, a “bigger chandelier” is not so handy. Cutting onions or other vegetables on the tabletop, for example, makes us squint and strain our eyes. And not because the onion stings, but because the source of light is behind us and our own shadow falls on the work surface. The same story will be with the dining table if it is not in the center of the kitchen.

So what do you do? That’s right, divide the kitchen into zones and light each zone separately. Even the smallest kitchen can be divided into three areas:

  • The work area. This is usually a wide and long worktop with a sink. This area also includes a gas stove or cooktop.
  • Dining area. The table at which we eat breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Storage area. Cabinets, drawers, shelves, refrigerators and freezers.

Each of these areas is used in a different way, and for each of them it is necessary to arrange convenient lighting.

Tip: Only plan your lighting after you’ve put all your furniture in the kitchen. That way you’ll know exactly where you need to direct the light and how much light you’ll need for each area.  

How to light your work area

In a kitchen set above the countertop, or above the work area, there are usually cabinets for storing kitchen utensils. Great: Use them as a place to mount light fixtures. There are many variations of special furniture light fixtures on sale that simply attach to the underside of hinged cabinets. If you want – buy LED lights on batteries: you will have to replace the batteries only once a year, and you will save on the installation of outlets for the kitchen.

There, on the wall under the cabinets or shelves will fit perfectly LED strip. True, it will need a separate socket and switch

Tip: Ordering a kitchen set, immediately ask to build in wall cabinets or shelves with lights to highlight the work area.

If there are no cabinets or shelves above the work area, install fixtures with directional light on the wall, 70 to 80 cm. from the countertop, or on the ceiling directly above it. For example, several spotlights.

A gas stove or cooktop is usually illuminated by a standard light fixture built into the hood. If you’re not using a hood, consider finding room for a small spotlight above them. Do the same with the sink: washing food and dishes in semi-darkness is not the most pleasant thing to do.  

kitchen lighting

Dining room lighting

Good lighting promotes digestion and mood. So, at least, say nutritionists and psychologists. Let’s take the word of experts, and let’s make sure that the dining table was bright and comfortable.

If the kitchen space allows – put the dining table in the center, directly under the main ceiling light. If it doesn’t – move the ceiling light to the side, and, yes – hang it over the table. It is good if the length of the suspension of such a light fixture can be adjusted. By lowering and raising the plafond above the table you can create the desired lighting and mood. Lift it up – the light became bright and solemn. Lowered – the light became more chambered, homely and cozy. The main thing is that it didn’t bathe your eyes, but illuminated the table and food.

As a suspension you can use not only cords, but also, for example, chains, as it was realized by our designer in the project of the kitchen for a country house.

For a rectangular or elongated oval table, use several pendant lights in a row. The same technique will be ideal for the bar, if there is one in your kitchen. You can read about how to organize lighting in other rooms of the house or apartment in this article.

A table standing against the wall can be illuminated with sconces or spotlights. However, with this kind of lighting, the part of the table, especially the part closer to the wall, will be worse illuminated. In addition, the sconces will not fit into any interior. If you want privacy and not too bright light – this is your option.

Storage area lighting

Automatic storage area lighting is by default implemented only in the refrigerator or freezer. Why not do the same inside kitchen cabinets, drawers or drawers? Small LED lights or LED strips that turn on when you open the cabinet doors would make it much easier to find what you need.

The same small lights or LED strips illuminate the shelves. You’ll kill two birds with one stone: get illuminated storage areas and decorative lighting in the kitchen.

What bulbs to choose for your kitchen

In addition to conveniently zoning out your kitchen lighting, it’s important to choose the right bulbs for your light fixtures. Any electrical store today has such a huge selection of light bulbs that it’s hard to keep your eyes open. In fact, there are, more often than not, three types of bulbs: LED, fluorescent (or daylight) and incandescent. Everything else is different modifications of these three types.

Incandescent bulbs

Classic incandescent bulbs range in wattage from 40 to 200 watts. For the kitchen, especially for the working area, bulbs of at least 100 watts are suitable.

Suitable for all types of lamps with a screw socket. The main disadvantage – high power consumption. But with the help of such lamps and a dimmer switch, you can smoothly regulate the lighting in all areas of the kitchen.

Fluorescent lamps

Modern fluorescent lamps, which we use in apartments most often – a twisted spiral bulb with an inert gas, which glows when voltage is applied to the electrodes of the lamp. E14 and E27 light bulbs can be screwed into all kinds of chandeliers and lighting fixtures. The power required for lighting is 18 – 36 watts. Depending on their color temperature, they are divided into warm, neutral and cool colors. For the kitchen (and for any living space), warm or neutral daylight lamps are best.  The minus of fluorescent bulbs – they require special disposal. In addition, they are not suitable for the smooth control of light.

LED bulbs

The most popular and economical type of lamps. LED lamps, as they are also called, can be used with all types of luminaires. LEDs are also installed in LED strips for conventional and decorative lighting. As well as fluorescent, LED lamps are available in different light temperatures: warm, neutral and cool light.

The most significant advantage of their use is the minimum power consumption (6 – 10 watts) and a huge service life. Some manufacturers claim a warranty life of LED lamps up to 20 years. That’s cool. Minus – they are still more expensive than simple incandescent bulbs.

Lighting in the kitchen is easy!

As you can see, creating the right lighting in the kitchen is not that difficult. You just need to think hard, get inspired and do it. 

country kitchen

What is a country kitchen design

When the surrounding reality does not bring moral satisfaction, a man, tired of the noise, bustle and dust of the city, wants after a hard day to be in a place where he will be able to rest his soul. Country style in the kitchen interior will transform almost any room, turning it into an island of tranquility and homeliness that you need.

Country style has many faces and international, combining the idea of country life of representatives of very different cultures, at the same time allows you to create a comfortable and modern functional interior. And all the elements of the furnishings are of high quality, solid, made as if for the century and reliably, and useless knickknacks here simply have no place. Therefore, the interior of the room looks very appropriate and organic.

Varieties of

Having come to us from the American countryside, over the years, this direction has acquired many varieties. 

Interior in the spirit of the Wild West

Rough, as if untreated, massive wooden furniture, floor beams on the ceiling, Indian decorative elements, leather inserts, walls are decorated with images of endless prairies, in flower pots, decorated with Indian boots or a cowboy hat, cacti grow.

French Provence

Characterized by soft lines and warm, pastel colors. Favorite Provence colors are soft lavender, lettuce and cream. An obligatory element is the open china cabinet, where housewares and porcelain dishes are displayed.


The shades are natural, the interior design uses light monochrome or striped fabrics, the dishes are ceramic, and the accessories are marine-themed.


Whichever of the varieties you have a preference, the design of the kitchen in the country style implies a number of unchanging parameters, which are similar to each other:

  • in the finishing of the walls dominated by natural materials – textiles, wood, stone;
  • a touch of antiquity, deliberate light wear and tear, is not only appropriate, but even desirable;
  • the color palette is not garish, mostly light, natural shades;
  • handmade furniture and decor elements are welcome;
  • in the finishing used national ornaments, floral or plant motifs;
  • Country style kitchen reflects the cultural identity of the country that inspired its creation. For example, having created a rustic interior, you can safely complement it with restored samovars, matreshkas, openwork napkins, etc.


It is worth noting that this direction in design is not a pleasure for everyone. Young people, most likely, will consider such a design somewhat boring and outdated. However, older people, who have learned to appreciate calmness and comfort, will definitely appreciate the undeniable advantages of this direction.

  1. Comfort and a sense of peace, put at the head of everything. To provide it and create an atmosphere of a rural idyll, natural materials, original ornaments, convenient household appliances and utensils are used;
  2. Only environmentally safe and non-toxic materials are used;
  3. Soft, smooth and natural forms help to turn away from external cares, and relax the soul;
  4. Substantial, comfortable and monumental furniture, an abundance of cabinets and shelves, allowing housewives to place any necessary items within reach;
  5. The use of natural wood in the manufacture of furniture and finishing allows you to significantly extend its life;
  6. The effect of artificial aging of furniture helps to give the interior an antique and noble look.


We hasten to notify fans of screaming shades, that the kitchen in the style of country is not for them. This island of tranquility in your home should be painted in pastel soft tones. Creamy, milky, soft yellow, classic white, light purple, sky blue, pale pink will not only create the right atmosphere of coziness, but also visually expand the walls, make the room more light. Furniture fronts also can not boast a riot of colors, they are usually in a soft, natural palette with a matte finish. Dark colors are assigned the role of accents, they highlight and emphasize certain zones and areas of the room.


Design of the kitchen in the country style provides for the use of eco-materials. Now your stay in the “temple of food” will always be accompanied by the smell of wood and the coolness of natural stone, creating an aura of peace and quiet. The main materials for finishing:

  • roughly treated wood (at most, its worthy imitation);
  • red brick;
  • natural stone;
  • hand-painted ceramic tiles;
  • roughly worked, homespun textiles such as linen and cotton;
  • wicker vine products;
  • decorative plaster in light pastel tones imitating whitewash.


For the design of the room, the finishing of the walls, ceiling and flooring is of great importance. If they are done in accordance with the intended design – you will get the most real kitchen-country.


The decoration of the walls should be made without forgetting that all the elements of decoration and furnishings should be harmoniously combined, reminding with their appearance of the rustic way of life. Therefore, forget about the fleece wallpaper, plastic and drawings, abstracts.

The options for decorating the walls can be as follows:

  • Painting. Shades of warm (cream, creamy, vanilla, light pink, light gray or basic white);
  • The feeling of repair with their own hands will strengthen the decorative plaster on the walls, the kitchen in the country style will acquire a touch of simplicity and old-fashionedness;
  • Covering the walls with wallpaper of pastel colors with a pattern in a small flower, checkerboard or with an ethnic ornament;
  • Ceramic or porcelain tiles for decorating the work area;
  • Cladding the walls with wood will help to recreate a rural life;
  • Simple, laconic and natural looks decoration of the walls with brick, that’s just in rooms of small size, this option of decoration is combined with painting or wooden panels, as completely brick kitchen with all its beauty will visually decrease in volume and will look gloomy.


Modern materials such as linoleum or carpeting will not look appropriate. A classic option is the laying of wooden boards, natural stone or ceramic tiles on the floor. Because of the technical complexity of laying and reducing the overall height of the kitchen, the first two options are preferred for private homes. 

In apartments, they are usually replaced with laminate flooring that imitates natural wood or stone, or ceramic tiles. And when it is laid using the largest possible plate size, the joints on the floor should be a minimum amount. If the floor is lain wood, it is treated with minimal, which ensures preservation of all its properties, allowed the painting or varnish coating.


Beamed ceilings – a traditional variant of finishing the ceiling for the kitchen. However, conducting repairs in urban apartments, this option is often not appropriate, so it is safe to change it to whitewash or paint the ceiling in white or beige, and its surface does not have to be perfectly flat. 

Some roughness and imperfection are elements of the country style. The installation of a matte stretch ceiling will be appropriate in both country houses and apartments, as it absolutely fits into the chosen style and hides only about 4 cm of the total height of the room.

Doors and Windows

For the kitchen-country doorways and the canvas are most often painted in light colors and specially aged. To increase the inflow of natural light into the room, even the entrance doors include glass inserts.

If desired, to contrast with the bright walls, doorways can be decorated with unpainted natural wood of dark species. Window openings are preferably made of wood, painted white. Installation of the so-called “French window” from floor to ceiling with a few sections of sashing is appropriate.

In the kitchen in the style of American ranch often window and door openings are framed with natural or artificial stone, the same as the lining of the work area.


The country style kitchen is sunny and bright. To strengthen this effect, the natural light coming from the windows and doorways is combined with artificial light. A chandelier is suspended over the dining area, and the work area and kitchen shelves are separately illuminated. 

If space allows, on the walls are installed decorative sconces, designed in the form of antique lanterns, gas burners. For the hut are appropriate lamps, made in the form of lamps and candles with lampshades of simple shape.


This is what your imagination can play with, because it is easy and pleasant to be here. Everything breathes with a sense of antiquity, comfort, identity and peaceful simplicity. Superfluous pomp and pretentiousness is simply inappropriate.

1. The fronts of the kitchen set are wooden or veneered. May have glass, carved inserts;

2. Massive or lightweight kitchen cabinets with open shelves, where will be decorated the pride of every housewife – beautiful and practical dishes, a variety of household sundries, boxes with spices and tea;

The dining area massive of raw wood or more like garden furniture, lightweight rattan with forged elements and a glass top.


Since country is an old-fashioned style, all modern appliances, which by default contradict the rural life, if possible, it is better to “hide” behind the doors of cabinets and drawers. Hood, kitchen stove and sink are chosen in a retro style, such a range can be easily found in any major store of household appliances.

Decor and accessories

Textile elements are chosen from simple, rough, monochrome fabrics, dyed in natural colors or with unobtrusive patterns, plaid, lace, depending on the general direction of design.

Clay pots with plants or wide wooden boxes with fresh herbs like dill, parsley and basil would adorn a wide windowsill. Decorate the interior with accessories cute for heart and eyes:

hand embroidery;


wicker baskets, boxes of wicker or metal;

pottery, earthenware, or wood utensils in cabinets and porcelain dishes hung on the walls.

homespun rugs, crocheted tablecloths and napkins.

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